Tout! d’abord,! cet! animal! permet! de! rompre! la! solitude,! et! nous! apporte! « son!
écoute »,!!sachant!que!cela!est!la!première!règle!de!toutes!les!psychothérapies.!La!présence!
du! chien! près! de! l’humain! est! déjà! un! véritable! échange.! ! Nous! pouvons! même! dire! qu’il!
joue! un! rôle! essentiel! dans! la! prévention! de!
quelques! déséquilibres! psychiques.! ! Nous!
pouvons! observer! ce! cas,! chez! les! sans?abris,! où!
plus! seuls! mais! à! leur! animal. Ensuite,! ces!
auprès! du! chien! qui! ne! peut! pas!les!juger!et! qui!
reste! fidèle! quelques! soit! les! difficultés! à!
surmonter.! Cela! leur! permet! de! prendre! un! peu!
plus!confiance!en!elles,!et!elles paraissent!moins!solitaires!face!à!notre!société.!De!plus,!les!
Frequent, is! one! of! integration!
social! the! more! important.! This! is! used! to!
the! people! visually impaired! or! Blind ,!
since! permitting! their! integration! in!
our! society. !! This! dog! educated! to! help!
these! people,! their! brings! a! real!
autonomy,! thing! they! had! not!
before! having! this! faithful! companion.! He!
permitting! the! security! of! go! of!
his! master! blinded! or! visually impaired ,! in! avoiding! the! obstacles! by! example.! ! Some! say!
even! that! they! dog! is! the! sight! they! did! not! or! little.! More! Of! 120! Dogs? Guides! Are! Back!
to! blind! every! year.
We! Can! also! say,! than! all! type! of! dog! can! to hire! a! conversation!
with! of! the! Master! and! of! the individual! that! the! dog! and! Man! meet.! Generally ,!
the individual! observed! animals! and! going! to! ask! for! many! issues! he! not hesitate! not! to! go!
Ask! to! the owner!! At a! simple! walk, it is! likely! that someone! intrigued!
by! your! dog! come to see! and engage! the! conversation.
So,! the! dog! East! a! postman! Insertion! Social! very! important! in! our! society,!
as! the! most! of! others! animals.! It! allows! a! exchange! between! individuals! that! not! to! be!
no! necessarily! does! without! this! he! has! a! role! of! social catalyst.