Le chien compte parmi les plus vieux compagnons de l’Homme:
cela fait au moins 12000 ans qu’il vit avec lui.
combining their respective qualities of hunter?
Has the wolf sought the proximity of man to
to feed on his waste? Or did he adopt
Cubs? If there are a lot of theories
on the meeting between the Man and the Wolf, we have
little reliable information on the issue.
One thing is certain: the Man and the Wolf presented
from the start some affinities! Like the wolf,
Man is a social being. A prehistoric human clan
had between 10 and 40 members, approximately
the same number as a pack of wolves. It was so
relatively easy for a tame wolf to find
his place in a "human pack".
Over the millennia, the dog has extraordinarily
well adapted to Man, without renouncing his share
of Wolf. We know that the dog perceives the changes
moodiest moods in humans with
which he lives, and surprisingly master the language
human: according to recent studies, a dog can
understand up to 200 words!
All this naturally contributed to the myth of the dog
"Best friend of man". Today, many
people attribute to their dog almost human qualities!
They no longer see him as the tame wolf,
but the companion of whom they have dreamed so much. But when
fantasies take precedence over knowledge
of the animal, we must expect conflicts,
which will suffer the human being like the dog.
Before acquiring a dog, you are required to take a course to perfect
your knowledge of how dogs are kept and how to treat them.
Ask yourself if you are ready to educate properly your dog and if you can. That is
essential, because if you do not inculcate rules clear to your pet, it can become a problem
in our densely populated cities. Do you accept to deal with it during the 10
to next 15 years? You will have to do many daily walks with him, play frequently,
observe it, correct any problems behavior and look after him when he is sick.
Do not forget the cost of a dog. The purchase price represents only a small part of it: dogs must to be fed every day, they need infrastructure and a follow-up by a veterinarian, if only for dewormers and vaccines.
A dog should never be a rash gift, for example to a child. If children grow up fast,
the dog will always need someone who watches on him. In addition, do you live sufficiently
stable to maintain a dog for the next 10 years? What to do if you move or accept
a new job that leaves you less time off? Once your decision is made, buy your dog from
from a breeder you trust or in shelter. Visit the dog several times
want to acquire and get to know him. It is in your interest to know the animal with which
you will spend several years. Under the ordinance
on the protection of animals, the future holders must provide a certificate of competence
on the detention of dogs and the way in which to treat them. People proving that they already have
detained a dog are exempt. During this year following the acquisition of the dog, the keeper must provide the proof that he controls his dog in situations daily.