Dogs need social contacts with humans
and with their peers. To guarantee a good cohabitation,
the dog needs daily outings, social contacts
and an education that meets his needs.
Education: a MUST!
All dog owners must be aware of the fact that
dogs are predators and all (even small ones) can
bite. Each dog is a power hunter; the hunting instinct
is more or less pronounced depending on the breed. The dog must
so be raised to obey at any time when called
and that he exhibits adapted social behaviors even in
urban. So that your dog can understand what you,
as a keeper, wait for him, you will need to master the basics
learning in animals. If you have trouble educating
your dog (when calling back, for example), talk to an educator
canine graduate.
Social contacts with humans and other dogs
Dogs must be able to trust their keeper. Dogs
imperative need of social contacts, whether with
other human beings and with their congeners. From birth,
puppies must have frequent and supervised quality contacts,
with different people, especially with children, and with
other dogs. Only then will they be able to recognize them more
late as partners with whom to establish social contact.
If a puppy does not have enough positive experiences and if
imposes on him a contact, he is likely to adopt a behavior
aggressive. But it is also necessary to reinforce sociability
adult dogs. That's why they have to be allowed to be
regularly in contact with other people and other dogs.
It's the only way to teach them how to live stress-free
our society.
But do not forget that many people are afraid of dogs!
So make sure that when your dog wants to make contact,
the "target" is not refractory ...
Dogs need to move!
Depending on breed, size and age, the dog must have the possibility
to exercise every day. During his walks
daily, he must be able to explore his environment with all
its senses (especially smell), be stimulated by educational games
and move enough. The dog also needs occupations:
he particularly likes to snoop and search for objects or to indulge
to other activities.
The Animal Protection Ordinance provides that the dog must
to be released every day according to his needs and preferably
that he can move without a leash. If it can not be taken out, the dog must
nevertheless, to be able to move every day in a pen. He can be
left at liberty if he obeys when he is called and if the fact of being
at liberty does not constitute a danger for him. You must also
to make sure that your animal does not interfere or do not
in danger of other people or animals.